Tuesday, December 14, 2010

TV Shows

The invention of the DVR is probably one of the best inventions in a long time.  My wife and I look forward to sitting down at night and watching some of favorite shows.  We both have very busy schedules, (like most people), and most of the time they are opposite of each other.  When we finally are home at the same time, we like to watch our favorite TV shows that we recorded on our DVR. 

  Some of our favorite shows are CSI, NCIS, Burn Notice and White Collar .  So I pose the question, what are some of your favorite shows?  You can even talk about shows you used to watch as a kid.


Most Popular TV shows

Time Magazine 100 Best TV Shows

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Holiday Traditions

  During this time of the year, I can not help but think about the holidays when I was growing up.  As I got older many of my family traditions changed.  However, I can still remember going to my grandmother's house Christmas Eve with all the other grandchildren and waiting for Santa Clause to come and visit us.  I am very fortunate that many of my family members still get together for the Christmas season.  However, now it is the next generation of my family waiting for Santa Clause to come and visit.

  I often ask my students what kind of traditions that they have in their family.  It is really interesting to hear all the different kinds of traditions that happens in people lives.  With that in mind, I am curious to learn about what other tradition you celebrate during this holiday season.

  Below, I have attached some websites of other holiday traditions that are celebrated around the world.

  Holiday Traditions

10 New Holiday Traditions

Welcome to a world of  holiday traditions!