Monday, November 8, 2010

The Unruly Students!!

   Last week I talked about  dealing with difficult parents.  As that might be challenging in itself, that is not our main job.  Either you are a first year teacher or a 30 year veteran, we have all experienced the difficult student.  When I am talking about difficult students, I am not just talking about behaviors, but also the students who:

~sit at their seats and do nothing.
~do not complete any of their homework assignments, and
~do not speak a word to you.

But of course we cannot the forget the student(s) who distrupt the class because of the their behaviors.  In the past two years I have seen students in my own school building do the following behaviors:

~ be deviant
~physically abuse other students
~bully other students, (a whole other blog all together)
~run from the classroom and even worse run from the school building.

To top that off, most of these behaviors are coming from our 1st graders!

So, how do we as trained professionals deal with these issues.  Most of us might say "go run and hide", but we cannot, because for most of these students they need the caring and compassionate people called, teachers.

Here are some articles/blogs that might be helpful to you for dealing with the unruly student:

Difficult Behaviors in the Classroom

Dealing with Disruptive Student Behavior  - University of Houston

Strategies for Dealing with Troublesome Behaviors in the Classroom -

Rosalind Reed, Ph.D.
Department of Health and Community Services
College of Behaviorial and Social Sciences
California State University, Chico

Here are some books that can get through those tough times:

See full size image
    See full size image

Let me know if you have any thoughts about my blog, or any stories to tell.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the helpful links. I have experienced most of what you listed in your blog. It is quite challengeing to be a teacher at times, and yes how do we handle our difficult students and in such a way that is appropriate. My biggest issue these days with my students is turning in homework. I get very impatient with the students who do not turn in homework on a weekly basis. I try a million things, which work for one week or two, but the then the student or students start up their old behavior. Is there a trick or special advice out there for getting students to turn in their work on time? I don't know, I think we are just going to continue facing issues with our difficult students; but I hope we can gain better support somewhere to help us get through it all.
