Monday, November 22, 2010

What is Thanksgiving???

For the past few days I have been doing some small activities with my 4th grade class and I was amazed with how many of them do not know any stories about the first Thanksgiving or even about the pilgrims coming over from Europe.  Some of the responses I received for the question "Why do we celebrate Thanksgiving?" were mind boggling.  Some said, "to eat lots of food," and "so we can have a day off from school."  I know times are changing, but I still believe it is important to know why we have Thanksgiving and what the first Thanksgiving was all about.  Here are some good sites to look at for teaching:

Top Ten Thanksgiving Movies   


Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! Take time to give thanks and spend time with love ones!


  1. Dave,
    These past two weeks I have been using the "Conversations with the Pilgrims" videos from the Plimoth Plantation site. The kids loved it! This is a great site to remind everyone that we should "celebrate" our blessings every day.

  2. Charisse,

    I a glad you liked it. I have taken students to Plimouth Plantations a few times and the students love it. I would use their website to prep them on what they would see before we went.
